Regular posts (art sales, character intros, etc.) will include full coding to your specifications and custom headers. Litter posts (for previews or sales) will include full coding and custom headers, as well as puppy previews or placeholders.
This is currently Pay What You Want (PWYW)!
There is a minimum payment of $5, but other than that, you're free to pay whatever you'd like. I've provided suggested payment amounts, but you are by no means obligated to stick to those!
Regular Posts
Suggested Payment: $8+
Commission Posts
Suggested Payment: $8+
Litter Posts
Suggested Payment: $10+
+$1 per pup preview/placeholder
This is just the basic information I need - we will discuss your request more as I work.
Post Type: regular (sales post, character intro, etc.), litter post, commission post
Color Scheme: feel free to send a color palette, or just describe some colors
General Theme: especially helpful for litter posts
Font Type: if you have a specific font style you'd like used for headers
Headers: what exact headers you need
Art to Include: if you have specific examples or art you want included in the post
Anything Else: anything you think I might need to know